Wednesday, February 25


I cracked the screen on my laptop a few weeks ago but ive commited to some live shows (using the laptop) and so i cant afford to send it away to be fixed. A cracked screen is fine, i can live (and perform) with that. What i cant live with is the fact that bit bit bit pixels are being eaten up by the crack, resulting in big black blotches. At the rate the pixels are being gobbled up there'll be no screen left for my first gig. Im using a monome for my live shows and intending of having it set up so i never once have to look at the laptop during the set. Good bloody thing!!

Daedelus on Monome


  1. Shite man bad buzz, monome should save the day though.

  2. My screen is broken too. I stood on it. Still works fine though.

  3. Why would you want to stand on your screen?
    The black plague has spread in last 2 days...
